The Informal Resolution Services Program Director is neutral and not an advocate for any party in a dispute, regardless of their association with UA. The Informal Resolution Services Program Director considers the interests and concerns of all parties and assists them in creating mutual understandings and resolving their dispute in a fair and equitable manner.
The Informal Resolution Services Program Director has no formal authority to change any decision or policy at UA, nor does she conduct formal investigations or issue findings. The Informal Resolution Services Program Director can explain and clarify the formal processes available at UA, but she does not have a role in them. Talking with the Informal Resolution Services Program Director does not put UA “on notice” of any potential legal claim or policy violation. If you wish to let UA know of a potential ethical, policy or legal violation, the Informal Resolution Services Program Director will work with you to find the proper channel for making that complaint.
Confidentiality is essential to the work of the Informal Resolution Services Program Director. The Informal Resolution Services Program Director will not identify you or discuss your concerns with anyone without your permission. The only exceptions to confidentiality are imminent harm to self or others, Title IX allegations, illegal activities or when required by law.
The services provided by the Informal Resolution Services Program Director are voluntary. The services are offered as an opportunity for parties to address and resolve their concerns in an amicable and mutually accepted manner. Individuals can decide to stop working with the Informal Resolution Services Program Director at any time, and address their concerns in a formal manner.